EBSQ Friday Five

Undulation by April Trice

1. This week’s Featured Friday Five artist is April Trice and her entrancing photograph, Undulation. Those blues… The water… Can I go there?

2. Dragon Con is next week in Atlanta, yours truly and fellow EBSQ artist Jasmine Becket-Griffith will be in the 2014 Art Show. If you’re attending don’t miss the Art Show!

3. How to Commission an Illustration – I think this should be recommending reading! Thank you to Mark Satchwill for sharing this with me.

4. We are nearing the deadline for the August Exhibits at EBSQ. Don’t miss out on the chance of winning prize money for Member’s Choice!

5. Making Purple: The Science of Art – Another short but excellent video from The National Gallery in London.

EBSQ Friday Five

Violet Bellied Hummingbird by Cyra R. Cancel

1. Today’s featured artist is Cyra R. Cancel and her wonderful piece, Violet Bellied Hummingbird in my Garden. Who doesn’t love catching a glimpse of a hummingbird in their garden?

2. Do you love participating in art swaps and challenges? Yes? Then you’ll want to take a look at Art Drop Day, where art and scavenger hunt come together.

3. Have you taken a look at the August EBSQ Art Exhibitions? This month we have Toolbox and Flower of the Month: Summer Veg.

4. Looking for some Art/Anatomy book recommendations? I found this list via a deviantART artist, Qing Han.

5. Summer is a time for conventions and big art shows. They are fun and often full of freebies and entertainment. But did you know you can also learn valuable skills? I’m leading a panel this summer at Dragon Con titled Basics of Digital Painting. My panel is one of many that will teach artists both traditional and digital skills. There’s even going to be a life model panel–bring your own sketchbook! Take a look at my blog post for more info – Conventions: Panels, Art, Books and Leather.

EBSQ Friday Five

A Little Birdy Told Me by Natasha Wescoat

1. This week’s featured Friday artist is Natasha Wescoat and her magical siren painting, A Little Birdy Told Me.

2. The Art of Copying – a history, a business, and a tool. This is an excellent blog post from Dinotopia creator James Gurney.

3. This week I want to invite my fellow artists to take a look at a Kickstarter campaign – Pictures at an Exhibition. Even $1 will help, but if you can’t donate to the campaign can you share it with a few friends? This is a fusion of Art and Music:

Join us on an adventure as a young woman journeys through the art that inspired Mussorgsky’s classic  Pictures at an Exhibition!

4. The deadline is approaching fast for three EBSQ Art Exhibits – Plein Air: Found Reflections, Flower of the Month: Dianthus, and the 14th Annual EBSQ Ripped Off Show.

5. Another great video from Will Terry – How to Get Past Artist Block:

EBSQ Friday Five

Heroin Harlequin by Jenny Berry


1. This week’s featured art work is Heroin Harlequin by Jenny Berry. I invite you to explore Jenny Berry’s portfolio. It’s rich in texture and moods!


3. EBSQ Artists have you found your partner for the 14th Annual Ripped Off Exhibit?! Let us know who you are teaming up with on Facebook.

4. Have you seen the huge parrot sculpture gracing London? Well, take a look at this: Giant Art Picnic Engulfs Swiss Countryside

5. Watch and enjoy!

EBSQ Friday Five

Abstract Flowers by Ulrike Martin

1. Vibrant colors and wet petals after a rain is what comes to mind when I look at Ulrike Martin’s latest watercolor painting, Abstract Flowers. It’s a beautiful time of year here in the Northern Hemisphere.

2. There are only a few more days left to enter our June Exhibits. Have you entered? Check them out: Flower of the Month: Ferns and Plein Air: Found Reflections.

3. I Hate Marketing – Sound familiar? I’m sure I may have used that phrase once or twice. Jon Schindehette talks marketing, some simple tricks and lessons learned.

4. Tutorial: Watercolor Tricks with Copic Various Ink & Multiliners

5. What Do Artists Do All Day – Frank Quitely: Scottish comic book artist.

EBSQ Friday Five

Catch A Falling Star by Sherry Key

1. Catch a Falling Star artist Sherry Key has a message for you all today: “Here’s wishing you all a lot of love and happiness today…Happy Valentine’s.”

2. We are mid-month now. Have you entered one or both of our EBSQ Exhibits? Mona Lisa Unleashed and Flower of the Month: Houseplants are taking entries till February 28th.

3. Do you believe in Artist’s Block? I tend not to, and instead believe blocks are just small obstacles in our creative process we must overcome. I shared how I deal with those obstacles in a blog post at Tessera – Understanding the Beast.

4. I know many of you are sick of the snow in the US, but don’t forget to take advantage of the opportunity for reference shots! Donato Giancolo shared some wonderful reference photos I took for upcoming paintings over at Muddy Colors.

5. In the News: Art to Die For: Artist Paints Portraits with Human Remains – I love this quote from the artist: “Having ashes in an urn on a mantle somewhere is a good way to constantly remind yourself that person died, but when you use them in an artwork it’s a good way to remember someone lived.” 

EBSQ Friday Five

Dragonfly to Earth by Vermont Mosaics

1. Dragonfly to Earth by Vermont Mosaics had me daydreaming of summer this  morning. Come on Spring!!

2. 10 Things…Evaluate your Painting – Is what your painting fitting with the vision in your mind? Does it work? Greg Manchess shares some questions to ask yourself about your painting.

3. Don’t forget to vote for your favorite in the January EBSQ Exhibits. While you’re there, take a look at the new February exhibits too.

4. The real people behind Clooney’s ‘Monuments Men.’ Have you seen the movie yet? Let us know your thoughts!

5. Top 100 Painting Tips – Everything from what to do if the cap on your paint of tube breaks to converting your step-ladder into an easel.

EBSQ Friday Five

Flame-o by Vicky Knowles

1. Flame-0 – not just a fire-breathing penguin but also the cause of Global Warming. I love the artistic mind of Vicky Knowles.

2. 10 Things about Painting in Oils – Because everyone should read these posts by Greg Manchess. This one is from a year ago, but the tips never expire.

3. Submission deadline for the 2014 TwitterArtExhibit is February 21st, this means you art must be in their hands by this date. This year’s exhibit benefits the Center for Contemporary Dance, Special Needs Class in Orlando, FL.

4. In the News: Kid Crawls On Million-Dollar Artwork, Internet Lets Out Collective WTF? – Wow. My own thoughts? While living in London I took my young daughter to the Tate Modern on numerous occasions and she NEVER would have done this in my presence or otherwise.

5. 5 Ways to Earn Money as an Artist (Without Selling at a Gallery) – Another gem from EmptyEasel.com.

EBSQ Friday Five

Tuxedo Dreamin' by Christine Striemer

1. Before I saw the title of Christine Striemer’s Code’s latest painting, I thought, what a lovely dream-like quality. Spot on! Cat lovers will fall for Tuxedo Dreamin’.

2. Don’t forget to download Maureen Frank’s January Mandala – Confidence. “Our confidence comes with remembering and celebrating our past and present accomplishments regardless of how trivial.”

3. The clock is ticking for our January Art Exhibits. Have you entered? Check them out today – Penguins and Flower of the Month: Snowdrops.

4. An interesting article from EmptyEasel.com – Are you over-sharing your artwork?

5. Artkick founder brings Bill Gates’ digital art dream to life – Read about the project and check out the Artkick App. What do you think about this new way to bring art to the public?

EBSQ Friday Five

First Frost by Louise Mead

1. First Frost by Louise Mead caught my eye this morning for those brilliant blues, but also because we had our first frost of the year just this week.

2. Self-publishing is all the craze right now, so here’s some tips on creating your own art book via Blurb.

3. Blogging isn’t for everyone. I personally believe blogging, when done right, can be a invaluable resource and a way to attract visitors and new fans to your art. But you must be doing it right to see any of the positive effects. Here’s a good list of the do’s and don’t’s.

4. Speaking of blogs, MuddyColors is one of my favorites. It is a treasure trove of both entertaining posts and informative ones. Check out Greg Manchess’ latest post, 10 Things about Value.

5. From Business Insider: 23 Recent Works Of Art That Shook History

EBSQ Friday Five

Little Devil by Susan Brach

1. From the EBSQ front page this morning comes this delightful Halloween art by Susan Brack, titled Little Devil. 😀

2. This month’s mandala from Maureen Frank is Dream a Little Dream. Maureen’s mandalas are always free to download, so head over to get your copy today!

3. EBSQ’s annual ThinkPink exhibit is underway. This year we’ve teamed with the National Breast Cancer Foundation to raise funds for education, support and early detection. If you’re not entering the exhibit you can make a donation on our Fundraising Page!

4. This 98-Year-Old Man Spent 13 Years Creating Remarkable Art in MS Paint–Wow!!!

5. Here’s a little news from yours truly. One of my recent commissions is the cover of a short story available to purchase on Amazon. Check out my blog post, Old Man of Tessera, for more details!

EBSQ Friday Five

Across the Street by Christine Striemer

1. Across the Street – This beautiful new painting by Christine E Striemer is available to purchase. Check her blog for details!

2. The Artist’s Magazine Finalist – Congratulations to Sandra Willard, a finalist in The Artist’s Magazine’s 30th Annual Art Competition!

3. 5 Ways to Get Inspired – Delilah Smith offers every day solutions to get inspired.

4. My New Art Studio – Yours truly moved over the summer. I shared my new studio space and goals on my blog.

5. Target Scholarships That Put an Art Degree Within Reach – US News & World Report has a great article on scholarships for artists and goes on to promote the various career opportunities for those with an art degree.

EBSQ Friday Five

Wild Ride by Georgia Papadakis
Wild Ride by Georgia Papadakis

1. Illustration vs. Fine Art – Georgia Papadakis has a excellent post on these two art forms, their overlap and distinction, and what they mean to her journey as an artist.

2. Mandala of the Month July – This month’s mandala from Maureen Frank is titled Blessings in Disguise. It’s free to download!

3. Adventures in Teaching at AFICC – Michelle Lynch shares, in depth, her experience teaching a doll class at a large convention.

4. Sign up for the 2013 EBSQ Ripped Off Show – I’ve been participating in this show since 2008 and I look forward to it each year. You partner with another artist, choose something from their portfolio, and RIP it OFF. Then, if you choose, you and your partner trade artworks.

5. 5 Products that Need Licensed Artwork – Another goodie from EmptyEasel.com. Can you guess the 5 products before visiting the link?

EBSQ Friday Five

Discovery, Fairy Laundry Day by Sherry Key
Discovery, Fairy Laundry Day by Sherry Key

1. Discovery, Fairy Laundry Day Redux – Sherry’s Key’s imagination is tickles my inner child. I adore this redux of her original Fairy Laundry Day, but I may be a bit bias–I own the original. 😉

2. How to Get Published in a Bead/Jewelry Magazine – Laura Bracken has an excellent post for jewelry artists wanting to be published. This is only Part 1 so be sure to follow her blog for part two.

3. Watercolor Walk-through – Carmen Medlin shares a walk-through for two of her latest watercolor aceo paintings. Discover the in’s and out’s of her process!

4. Art in the White Mountains – Congratulations to Jeanne Forsyth! She has recently been accepted into the North Easter Arizona Fine Arts Association. Her paintings will be on exhibit at the High Country Art Gallery beginning May 22nd.

5. Cambodia vs. the Cleveland Art Museum – Cambodia is the latest country to come forward seeking art they say was stolen from an archaeological site.

EBSQ Friday Five

Dogwood Prince by Gretchen Del Rio

1. Dogwood Prince – I love this new painting for May by Gretchen Del Rio. Have the dogwoods bloomed where you live?

2. Creating a Fantasy Storybook Illustration – Wonderful post from Ursula Tessa Brozovich- Kerger on creating a Fantasy illustration.

3. Mother’s Day Studio Tour – The 15th Annual Camano Island Studio Tour begins May 10th. EBSQ Glass Bead Artist Vicki Miller will have works shown in the Seagrass Gallery. See her blog for more details.

4. Kickstarter vs. IndieGoGo – Tiffany Toland-Scott shares her experience with the two big crowdfunding sites.

5. Varnish and Finish Coats – Georgia Papadakis has an informative post on her blog about varnish, finish coats and their effect on a painting’s overall color.

EBSQ Friday Five

Stumpy Runs Away by Vicky Knowles
Stumpy Runs Away by Vicky Knowles

1. Stumpy Runs Away – “He glides through the air with the greatest of ease, that daring tree stump on the flying trapeze…”

2. How I chose my favorite art mediums – Carmen Medlin has a wonderful post on her blog about her introduction to colored pencils and watercolors.

3. Blog Planner Worksheet – Ever have trouble decided on what to write for your blog? Stacey Zimmerman invites you to take some inspiration from her custom planner.

4. Published in Somerset Studios – Congratulations to Michele Lynch for being published in the May/June issue of Somerset Studios!

5. Engage your Facebook Art Fans – The EmptyEasel has a great tip post on keeping your Facebook Fans coming back for more. Check it out!

EBSQ Friday Five

At the Sunset Hour by Karen Winters

1. At the Sunset Hour – Karen Winters captures perfectly the magic of a southwestern sunset in her latest painting.

2. Art and Artifice – Georgia Papadakis asks the big questions in her latest blog post: What drives an artist to make a given work of art?

3. MOTM: The Other Side of the Shadow – Maureen Frank’s April Mandala is available to download for free. This month she asks you to explore your full self, even the Shadow we like to hide from the world.

4. April Print Giveaway – Yours truly is once again giveaway a free art print. Stop by my blog for details. Deadline is Sunday night!

5. How to handle tough criticism – Criticism can be an invaluable tool for growing as an artist, but it’s not always easy to accept when said criticism may be more harsh than we expect. EmptyEasel.com has some great advice for taking it in but not taking it personally.

EBSQ Friday Five

No River Like Craving by Angie Reed Garner
No River Like Craving by Angie Reed Garner

1. No River like a Craving – Head over to Angie Reed Garner’s blog for a larger of view of this immense painting and step into the river.

2. The making of Esplanade Beauty – Melanie Douthit walks us through her painting process. It’s always interesting to see how an artists approaches a painting.

3. My Art and thoughts on Norman Rockwell – Erika Nelson recently had the pleasure of viewing  large Rockwell exhibit. I think anytime we see an artist’s work for the first time in a gallery setting, as opposed to through the media, we are changed.

4.6 Tips for Creating Artist Business Cards – Some excellent advice from the folks at EmptyEasel.com.

5. Are you an EBSQ Artist with a newsworthy blog post? Let me know: amanda[at]ebsqart[dot]com

EBSQ Friday Five

Cherries and Silver by Sandra Willard
Cherries and Silver by Sandra Willard

1. Cherries and Silver – Miniature Work: The beautiful, intricate scratchboard above is only 2.5 x 3.5 inches!

2. The Art of the Image Transfer – Jennifer Lommers has a detailed tutorial, with multiple videos, on the art of image transfer on her blog.

3. Dolphins in front of the Studio – Would you rather clean the studio or watch dolphins? What a dilemma, right? Check out Delilah Smith’s blog for the video she shot outside her studio.

4. 8 Simple Rules for being a Professional Artist – I love this list by Stacey Zimmerman. Sometimes the most simple things are the most important.

5. Method and Madness in Science and Art – This is a fascinating article about the similarities between Science and Art and an exhibition in London of “coloured botanical electron microscope images.”

EBSQ Friday Five

Winetrwood by Mark Satchwill

1. Winterwood – EBSQ Artist Mark Satchwill, may be best known for his portraits, but he proves he can paint anything with this wonderful winter landscape.

2. EBSQ January Exhibits – Today is the first day to vote in January’s online exhibits. We have two shows: FOTM – Mixed Bouquet and Norse Mythology.

3. Getting Ready for the Circus Show – Claudia Roulier shares how the background of her paintings evolve.

4. How to Choose the Best Social Media Outlet – Don’t have time for multiple social networking sites? All you really need to do is pick the right one for you and your art. This article from EmptyEasel.com shares some great tips!

5. Stay Connected with EBSQ – Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, Forum