EBSQ 1:1 – What is your preferred social media site?

Jasmine Becket-Griffith

My favourite social media site is definitely Facebook. For visual artists I think it is the best way to connect with fans and collectors because it is a great balance of pictures, text, and important apps like Event Calendars. I love posting photos of projects I’m working on while they’re still in progress – most of the time I end up selling a painting before it’s even finished, and it’s also a great way to invite discussion from artists & budding artists about technique & process. The Events app is also a wonderful way to post all of my upcoming art shows and to let people know what I’m up to!

Follow Jasmine on Facebook

Faces of Faery 207 by Jasmine Becket-Griffith

Windi Rosson

My favorite social media site would be Facebook. I use my fan page to promote my art everyday. via direct sales, etsy stores, auctions, showing works in progress, you name it. It can all be viewed by my collectors in one place. The various artists groups are great too, for interacting with other artists from all over the world.

Follow Windi on Facebook

Girls Night In by Windi Rosson

Sara Burrier

For my business I prefer using Facebook. It allows me to more closely interact with my followers, promote, and see how others are moving my work around. I also find it so simple to take a picture and share as I work from the drawing table with my phone.

Follow Sara on Facebook

Day of Joy by Sara Burrier

EBSQ Facebook Artist of the Week: Melody Cole-Gates

Who and where are you?

My name is Melody Cole-Gates, I am a Visual Artist, mother and wife from Dayton, Ohio. I like to make expressionist figuratives, florals, landscapes and abstracts. I mostly paint positive images of women of color in intimate scenes that reflect motherhood, relationships, African American culture and spirituality for everyone to enjoy.

How were you introduced to Facebook?

I was introduced to Facebook by Twitter, lol. I had been a self-represented artist online for about 3 years back then, and decided to do research on the best websites to sell my artwork. Well, I didn’t have far to Google, because the artists I was following on twitter were all tweeting about the new Facebook Fan pages. They liked Facebook, because it was (and still is) a great place for artists to show their work, link to other websites and receive instant feedback from their fans, not to mention reunite with old high school buddies, lol. Of course, I had to sign up! I started my first Facebook Fan page in 2009, as “Studio Meco“. In July 2012, I decided to create a new Facebook page to establish my art under my God-given married name.

Any tips for other artists starting a Facebook Page?

If you have a personal profile page on Facebook, you’re half way there, because you can’t create a Facebook page for your art without having one for yourself. Once you have a page, upload a nice profile picture of you or your artwork to connect instantly with your audience. Make sure to include your bio, email address and the link to your website or art shop to let people quickly find out who you are, what you do, how to contact you and where they can see more of your work. Treat your Facebook photo album like an art portfolio. Title each album, include your best artwork and write details about each piece. Keep your posts short, sweet and simple. I like to post (at least once a week) about my recent sales, latest creations and paintings in progress. Other ideas may be to let everyone know about upcoming shows, events, features and awards you’ve won, etc. Talk about anything you think your audience would be interested in art wise. Engage with your audience in a friendly, upbeat and professional manner, as though you were talking with them one on one inside your studio or over the phone. Answer comments and questions as soon as you can, they’ll appreciate you for it. To get your first few likes, Facebook has a feature that allows you to invite your friends and email contacts to your page or perhaps you’d like to tell them all on your personal Facebook wall (hey that rhymed 🙂 Another way to promote your new Facebook page is by letting everyone know how excited you are about it in your next blog post, maybe tweeting a link to your followers, or leaving a link on all those cool artists’ sites, you’re hanging out in. Remember not to take it personally or get discouraged if everyone you’ve asked to Like your page… doesn’t actually click the Like button. Who knows? They could be admiring your page from a distance 🙂 Hope this helps!

What’s your favorite Facebook Page Feature?

My favorite Facebook page feature is the MESSAGES. Only because potential buyers or someone interested in your artwork can contact you privately if they want. Plus, let’s say you’re working on a commission portrait for a fellow facebooker, through messages you’re allowed to attach and receive photos from your clients without leaving Facebook. How cool is that?

What’s coming next from your studio?

From my studio, you’ll be seeing a lot of warm colors in my palette, like rich beautiful Wines, Limes, Chocolates and Caramels! Right now, I’m working on a bold new series embracing natural beauty. Also, I have a new website and blog that I’ll be launching next month. In 2013, I plan to start displaying my paintings locally here in Dayton, and I’m very excited about it. I have some great new paintings in mind, so be sure to watch out for my freshest art right here on EBSQ.

Thank you!!

Explore Melody’s art here:



EBSQ Facebook Artist of the Week: So Jeo LeBlond

Who and where are you?

My name is So Jeo LeBlond and I am a Pysanky / Batik Egg artist living in Nova
Scotia Canada. I use the traditional Ukrainian technique of decorating real
blown eggshells using a writing instrument called a kistka to write designs on
the shells with hot melted beeswax and then color them using dyes. I enjoy
taking traditional and non-traditional elements and producing my own unique

How were you introduced to Facebook?

I first started using Facebook like so many others as a personal page, using it
as a social platform to keep in touch with friends and family. In 2010, I
created my Facebook Page to display my artwork. I realized that it was the
perfect platform to advertise my artwork and it’s free!

Any tips for other artists starting a Facebook Page?

My tip for other artists starting a Facebook Page is say you want to post a
photo of a new piece to several different groups, post one photo only and then
share that photo to the groups. This way whenever someone clicks on your
photo, it will bring them back to your page.

What’s your favorite Facebook Page feature?

I love that I can incorporate all the individual web services that I use into
one place. It’s like having a second website, as it incorporates my Etsy
store, eBay auctions, Zazzle products and Flickr photos. I also love that it is
so easy to share information and photos of my artwork, plus my posts reach so
many others that might not necessarily come across my work otherwise.

What’s coming next from your studio?

This year I would like to increase my jewelry line, creating more designs,
styles and increasing my clientele.

EBSQ Facebook Artist of the Week: Aja Apa-Soura

Who and where are you?

My name is Aja Apa-Soura. My business, Sagittarius Gallery, is run out of my Scotia, NY studio. That’s where the magic happens 😉

How were you introduced to Facebook?

Actually, through Myspace back in the day *laughs*. A couple of my friends were migrating over here and I decided to make the move as well. Hated the sparkle giffs and geocities look that had taken over, and my business page was certainly doing me no favors. It was sort of like walking into an under 18 dance club, setting up in the corner next to a glittery banner and asking people to seriously consider my artwork. I always thought *everyone* had a Myspace. No. They didn’t. But nearly everyone has a Facebook page…even my mom, dad, and grandmother!

Any tips for other artists starting a Facebook Page?

Keep it fresh and updated. I have found providing progress shots through the creation of my paintings creates a buzz among my friends and fans, and Facebook ensures that many of these posts show right up in their newsfeeds, instead of them having to seek out my blog for the latest update. I also offer specials that only my facebook fans would be privy to – it really is an invaluable tool, especially considering its mainstream use and broad reach.

What’s your favorite Facebook Page feature?

I really like the fact that my friends and fans can share my content with others, leading new potential patrons back to my page. Grass roots, word of mouth advertisement at its finest.

What’s coming next from your studio?

I have made a shift in my signature nude work and started adding faces…to anyone who is a fan of my work, this is big, so I am exploring this new avenue and challenging myself in the process. I also have a commission for a local mortgage funding bank to create a painting that will be presented as their award to 50 of their top area employees, which is extremely exciting! Every day there is something new and I love this adventure I call being a fulltime artist!

Follow Aja on Facebook


EBSQ Friday Five

1. Painted Ladies – The painting above by Deb Harvey is only part of a larger, beautiful painting. Check out her blog post for it and a second painted lady.

2. MOTM: Stay Calm – Have you seen Maureen’s free monthly mandalas? They are free to download and color!

3. Is your Art Blog Helping (or Hurting!) your Brand Online? – Excellent article. “If you’re really not up to using a blog, it’s better to not have that feature at all than to have one that’s been left on your website as an afterthought.”

4. How I made $50,000 Selling Art on Facebook – Natasha Wescoat shares some secrets to her success on TheAbundantArtist.com.

5. I’m always looking for great blog articles to share with the EBSQ community. If you have one email me at amanda [at] ebsqart [dot] [com].

EBSQ Facebook Artist of the Week: Misty Benson

Who and where are you?

I am Misty Benson of Morbidly Adorable Creations –your skull loving, slightly unhinged, sweetly spooky artist. I live, breathe, and conjure my Morbidly Adorable Creations into being from Gossamerfaery’s Attic in curiouser and curiouser Idaho. In plain speak, I work out of my home studio in Caldwell, Idaho!

How were you introduced to Facebook?

My first introduction to Facebook was the slew of e-mail invites and reminders I kept receiving from friends and fans to join! I think I finally joined just to stop the pesky invites, but now, I’m a convert! I guess those Facebook folk know what they are doing!

Any tips for other artists starting a Facebook Page?

Just jump right in! Don’t worry that you won’t have the right thing to say or share. If I don’t have time to post new art, I try to post a photo or an intriguing quote from time to time. I remind everyone that I’m still around even if I’ve been quiet. If you wait until everything is perfect, you’ll never get started. My page is always evolving. I’m always learning a new function or making my page look better. Honestly, I am not very Facebook savvy, so if I learned how to do it, I know just about anyone else can do it, too!

What’s your favorite Facebook Page feature?

I like the large new Cover photo at the top of the page. It’s a nice snapshot into the FB users world. I also love that my minions can “Like” my page and keep up with my art as much or as little as they like! It’s nice that my page can act as a facet of the Morbidly Adorable World while I’m busy painting away behind the scenes!

What’s coming next from your studio?

I am still working on the Morbidly Adorable Tarot deck. It seems like it has been my main project for years now — and it has! Creating 78 original paintings while juggling other projects, tabling at art conventions, running my website, answering e-mails, and just the day to day maintenance of running an art business, has been a challenge. I would gladly do it again and again though! I love how the tarot is coming along, and I really look forward to seeing it all completed myself! Specifically, I am working on the Hanged Man card right now. It’s a HUGE painting. Generally I paint each card as a 16×20 inch painting, but the Hanged Man is a 4×5 foot painting!! (Don’t worry! All these huge paintings will be re-sized down to your standard tarot card sizes for publishing!) It is neither a man, nor is she hanging, but it is the exploration of a pop surrealistic saint. I’m truly enjoying the process! I’m bouncing back and forth between that and the Cups Suit which features sea life!



EBSQ Facebook Artist of the Week: Craig Gourley

Who and where are you?

Hello my name is Craig Gourley and I live in Darlington Co Durham a small town in the north east of England. I’ve been painting and drawing since I was knee high to a grasshopper. I studied art and graphic design at New College Durham and Darlington Tec College.

How were you introduced to Facebook?

I was introduced to Facebook by an old school friend looking to catch up but I soon realized its potential as a promotional tool for my artwork.

Any tips for other artists starting a Facebook Page?

Try to update your page as often as possible, this will help you get more fans coming back to your page.
Promotion is important as well, I find Twitter is a good tool for this, following the right sort of people and tweeting your fan page every now and then will send people who are interested in your art to your page and hitting the LIKE button.

What’s your favorite Facebook Page feature?

I have a few, the link feature is a great tool, being able to pop a link in your status bar and have a thumbnail picture come up is really helpful. The SHARE tool is also fantastic plus the ability to link your Twitter and YouTube accounts together is really time-saving.

What’s coming next from your studio?

More ArtRage digital paintings and maybe some water colour artwork 🙂 I’m still working hard on my commissions for hand painted pop-art canvases plus an E bay shop may be on the horizon.



EBSQ Facebook Artist of the Week: Carol DeMumbrum

Who and where are you?

Hi, I am Carol DeMumbrum. I paint subjects that both stop me visually and touch me emotionally. I am blessed to live on the same farm I grew up on, right outside of Nashville, Tennessee. If I have not had a paintbrush or pencil in my hand, the day does not feel complete and I am not a happy girl.

How were you introduced to Facebook?

From the social aspect at first, to keep in touch with family and friends. Now, through my business page I am able to get to know my facebook fans, and they get to know me and what is going on in and outside my studio.

Any tips for other artists starting a Facebook Page?

• Post regularly to keep your fans up to date with your work as well as a little about you.

• Have a giveaway through your blog for new facebook fans.

• Interact by asking questions — question poll feature is a great tool.

• Link your work with sites where they can purchase.

• Don’t forget to share upcoming shows, paintings that have sold as well as older paintings.

• Share links that might help other artists.

What’s your favorite Facebook Page feature?

I love the photo album feature, you can create an album and continue to add to it and it puts the latest photo at the top of your page. This feature is great to use for available paintings, sold paintings and any other photos you would like to group together.

Example: Photo album of the critters that taunt my dog outside my studio—a fan favorite.

What’s coming next from your studio?

Lots of plein air paintings. I belong to a local group of plein air artists called the Chestnut Group, a nonprofit alliance of landscape artists and friends dedicated to the conservation & preservation of vanishing landscapes in Middle Tennessee.
I am also planning a series of bovine paintings with a bit of a Nashville flair. Thanks for stopping a minute to read a little about me! I would love to get to know you! I hope you will visit and like my facebook page, and learn more about what is going on inside and outside my studio.

Carol DeMumbrum on Facebook


EBSQ Facebook Artist of the Week: Kimmary MacLean

Who and where are you?

Kimmary I. MacLean and I live in Maryland.

How were you introduced to Facebook?

A friend said to me, everyone’s on Facebook, you have to be on Facebook. I resisted at first, but once I joined I realized he was right. If you want to stay connected you need to be on Facebook.

Any tips for other artists starting a Facebook Page?

Post information regularly, but don’t over post. Also, use lot of visuals (not hard for an artist, right?).

What’s your favorite Facebook Page feature?

It’s tough to pick a favorite. I love that when you type in a link, an image will automatically pop up to go with it. But specific to the fan page, Insights. A feature that shows how many people you are reaching per post.

What’s coming next from your studio?

I constantly have new ideas. Over the next few months I plan to add a new series, adding borders to a lot of my current work, as well as, a lot of new botanical photography and digital work. Over the summer I plan on creating new paintings and drawings.



EBSQ Facebook Artist of the Week: Stephanie Amos

Who and where are you?

I’m a multimedia artist that is known as samos (only because that’s how I sign my work) and most everyone
calls me Stephanie. I create unique abstract figures in bronze, delicate ceramics in bright, funky colors and abstract paintings in oil, acrylic, and watercolor. I’m a native of beautiful Colorado and live in the mountains with my amazing husband, three loving dogs, and two very handsome horses.

How were you introduced to Facebook?

I believe I learned of Facebook through discussions on MySpace. I was just getting into the social networking scene for my art and like everyone else, I had to join.

Any tips for other artists starting a Facebook Page?

I would suggest using interesting images of your work with good descriptions and post art related articles or blurbs that are interesting to you. It lets your readers get to know you a little better as an individual.

What’s your favorite Facebook Page feature?

I actually like the new timeline layout for my Facebook page. I didn’t think I would, but what I like about it is that you can read it more like a book or magazine in a horizontal format as opposed to the traditional vertical one.

What’s coming next from your studio?

I’ve been working on a new design for my planters that I’m excited to introduce in my ETSY shop MuddyPotts and I’m also working on three new large paintings.

Stephanie Amos on Facebook


EBSQ Facebook Artist of the Week: Carmen Medlin

Carmen Medlin

Who and where are you?

I am Carmen Medlin, and I am an artist living in the Black Hills of South Dakota with my wonderful husband and three cats. I am continually inspired by God’s creation around me, and nature seems to always find a way into my artwork ; it certainly helps to live in a forest, also! I have a storybook kind of art style, and love to paint things that have a sense of childhood or innocence about them.

How were you introduced to Facebook?

At first I was just using it to visit family and old friends, but a friend of mine who also licenses my art for rubber stamps at Susana’s Custom Art and Card Design talked me into trying a Facebook fan page for art purposes, as she was starting one also. I’m glad she talked me into it, because it was just the sense of community I had been missing since leaving LiveJournal years ago – which is where I met many of my fellow artist friends in the beginning. It has helped me to keep connected both with other artists and with art collector friends.

Any tips for other artists starting a Facebook Page?

I think it is good to give people a peek into your world as an artist – post sketches, a bit of daily life, works in progress, that sort of thing. I am always fascinated by reading about other artists’ lives and their art process. It even makes me like their artwork more and more just getting to know them better. Use a lot of pictures!

What’s your favorite Facebook Page feature?

Definitely the ability to make friends with other artists and collectors. I really love that. This also helps me to see what types of artwork people like best, as you can get more or less immediate feedback. Then I know what to paint more of!

What’s coming next from your studio?

I have several commissions featuring cute mice for different seasons and holidays coming up. I’ve also been sketching a lot of “bird girls”, which I am sure will end up being painted. They either have bird wings themselves or are wearing clothes that have bird wing shapes. I guess I’ve been thinking a lot about birds and rodents lately!



EBSQ Friday Five

Shining Through by Robert Kimball

1. Shining Through – Robert Kimball’s latest landscape painting reminds me of new, Spring green leaves. Spring can’t get here fast enough.

2. Five Not to Miss Art Shows in NYC Spring 2012 – If you live in NYC or are planning a trip, check out Miriam Schulman’s post on the art shows you don’t want to miss.

3. American Art Collector, March 2012 – Congratulations to Kari Tirrell, who’s pastel painting is featured in the March episode!

4. The Perfect Marriage – Jeanne Forsyth has been combining her creative loves. The result is amazing!

5. Facebook Me – Artist Heather Kross will be holding a giveaway when her new Facebook page reaches 100 fans. Nice!

Have a wonderful weekend!

EBSQ Facebook Artist of the Week: Natalia Pierandrei

Who and where are you?

My name is Natalia Pierandrei and I am a self-taught art and comic book illustrator living in Rome, Italy. For the past few years I have worked as freelance and I have had the privilege of having my illustrations featured in several publications worldwide.
My work is influenced by Japanese manga, Renaissance painting, Art Nouveau and European graphic novels. My working technique includes mainly markers, pencils and watercolours on paper with a painting style that often mix all these techniques together.

How were you introduced to Facebook?

I discovered Facebook through a friend in 2008 and started using a personal account only. In those days I preferred using different communication channels and finally I disabled this personal profile. In 2010 another friend kept suggesting me I should re-join Facebook, and though I wasn’t convinced it was a good idea, I signed on again. I have been using Facebook for personal communications more than for business for over a year but to promote my art the more I can, I finally created my page few months ago.

Any tips for other artists starting a Facebook Page?

Use previously existing communications channels like Twitter, your blog, your Etsy shop or your Facebook profile (put a link to the fan page in one of your status updates) to promote your new page. Post photos of your work in progress – your fans will appreciate it for sure – hold contests over on your page to involve all your followers in your art projects. Your Facebook page might be a great opportunity to market your business, but it’s earned media, so keep in mind that it’s a community too. Give your Fans a reason to want to come back 🙂

What’s your favorite Facebook Page feature?

I created my Facebook page just few months ago and I have not used any Facebook features for promoting my page yet. We’ll see… any suggestions?

What’s coming next from your studio?

I am working on a graphic novel and some illustrated book projects plus illustrations for magazines and collective art-books. 2012 will be a busy year! 🙂



EBSQ Facebook Artist of the Week: Stacey Zimmerman

Artist Stacey Zimmerman

Who and where are you?

My name is Stacey Zimmerman and I am a self-taught acrylic artist living in Raleigh, NC. I’m a mom of three amazing children and wife to a loving husband of 19 years. Currently I have my artwork in two local independent shops here in Raleigh and Wake Forest. My ideas come from nature and the wonder of color. I paint how I see colors through my eyes and hope to provide illuminating colors to inspire the viewer.

Sunset Poppies by Stacey Zimmerman

How were you introduced to Facebook?

I discovered Facebook through friends and after using a personal account became aware of the business pages available. I was hooked after communicating and interacting with the visitors. It was like stepping into my shop and having a cup of coffee with a guest.

Inspiration by Stacey Zimmerman

Any tips for other artists starting a Facebook Page?

Try to make your page feel welcoming for visitors by including them in a contest or contemplating ideas you have brewing in your head. Also, post photos of your work in progress. Visitors enjoy actually seeing your creative process. Be creative and make it your own!

Floral Symphony by Stacey Zimmerman

What’s your favorite Facebook Page feature?

I find that the Facebook Ads for promoting your page are very affordable and easy to set up. I can target a specific audience, set a daily budget and time frame. It is rewarding to watch my supporter numbers increase daily.

An Impressionists Symphony by Stacey Zimmerman

What’s coming next from your studio?

I am working on a series of impressionistic paintings inspired by my favorite artist, Claude Monet. I like to add touches of sparkle and mystery to my paintings by using some iridescent paint/mediums. Everyone could use some spark in their life! My hope is to draw a viewer into my work and provide a sense of happiness and love of life by my use of color.



EBSQ Facebook Artist of the Week: Susan Brack

Lady in Waiting by Susan Brack

Who and where are you?

I’m Susan Brack of Enchanted Sleigh Studios. I’m a self taught folk artist living in Indiana. I’m lucky to have been able to live most of my life in a rural setting. Our area is rich in farm land, crafting culture and antique shops. While raising my family, I taught quilting and followed the arts and crafts show circuit selling my original folk art dolls, bears and Santa figures. I think that early influence can still be seen in my work today.

How were you introduced to Facebook?

My daughter Rachel Sharp is also an artist living in Scotland. Which made it hard for us to share our latest art and artistic endeavors. She kept telling me I should join Facebook. I was reluctant. You know the old saying, you can’t teach an old dog new tricks. ha. I finally signed on. I have never looked back. It has opened a new world to me. I can keep up with my daughter’s activities, share my own work and network all at the same time with other artists, collectors and Facebook friends. Our family also owns a small antique / gift shop in Centerville, IN called The Enchanted Sleigh. So I’ve been able to create an additional business page to share and promote our family’s store.

Any tips for other artists starting a Facebook Page?

Yes, first decide how you want to use your Facebook page. Do you just want to be sociable or do you want to use it to network and promote your art. Try to remember if you are using it to promote your art or business you should always present yourself in a professional and friendly manner. No gossip, political or mean spirited comments. I also try not to over do my postings or make a nuisance of myself. There are features on Facebook that allows you to post every single listing you might have on Etsy or Ebay. If you post all the time, your Facebook friends may end up blocking or unfollowing you. When I do post my art or listings, I try to include a short friendly comment that might be of interest. Facebook can be an awesome marketing tool.

What’s your favorite Facebook Page feature?

I like to be able to follow some of the other artists that I most admire. It is always nice to be able to see how they are using Facebook to promote themselves. It’s a great way to become more educated in my own marketing habits.

What’s coming next from your studio?

I hope to keep producing new Christmas, Halloween and Fantasy illustrations. I have just signed with a new licensing agency. I’m very excited to be back in the licensing world. I’ve always enjoyed designing collections for Holiday and Home Decor products. When the economy took a dive, so many companies seemed to quit using freelancers like me. I’m beginning to see signs of the economy slowly improving. The industry seems to be starting to use more outside art sources again. Thank goodness I had sites like Facebook and EBSQ to help promote and sell my original art to collectors which kept me afloat during the last few years when times were tuff. I hope all artists who want to expand their fan base will take advantage of today’s technology. If I can do it, anybody can.



EBSQ Friday Five

Circle Play by Cyndi Agathocleous

1. Circle Play – I’ve been watching artist, Cyndi Agathocleous’ art evolve over the last two years. Her latest geometric abstracts are some of my favorites.

2. With a thankful heart – Congratulations to Teresa Cowley!! Her portrait, Angela, was accepted into the Connecticut Society of Portrait Artists, “Faces of Winter 2012” Exhibition!

3. The Artist’s Magazine Honorable Mention – More congratulations are in order for scratchboard artist, Sandra Willard!!

4. A boatload of greeting cards – Carmen Medlin has been busy on Zazzle!

5. Facebook Fan Page for your Business – Stacey Zimmerman has some great tips for optimizing your page for your art business.

Have a great weekend!

We have winners!

Congratulations to our First Art of 2012 Facebook Challenge Winner, Melinda Dalke! Her name was randomly pulled from our 30 entries. Here’s her first piece of the year, Headed Home:

Headed Home by EBSQ Artist Melinda Dalke
Headed Home by EBSQ Artist Melinda Dalke


Melinda joins our Twitter contest winner, Lori Mirabelli, who won a full year of EBSQ on Twitter the week before. Here’s Lori’s first new artof 2012:

Untitled artwork by EBSQ Artist Lori Mirabelli
Untitled artwork by EBSQ Artist Lori Mirabelli


Congratulations, ladies! And our hats are off to all of the participating artists. By the look of things, 2012 is going to be an absolutely gorgeous year!

Is it over between you and Facebook?

Angel of Broken Dreams by EBSQ Artist Lynn Dobbins
Angel of Broken Dreams by EBSQ Artist Lynn Dobbins

Unless you’ve been living under a rock with Patrick Star, you probably know about the new changes that have been rolling out the past few weeks at everybody’s favourite online ecosystem, Facebook. Prior to today, most of the changes have been meeting with grumbles, but today’s complete overhaul of how one’s newsfeed functions was met with a serious roar, myself included. There has been talk of moving to G+, an irony given that competition with Google is the impetus behind these changes.  But is packing up the kids and moving to G+ that easy? And should you move versus sticking it out or even actively lobby to get FB to change things back?

Like it or not, Facebook has permeated our culture. On the EBSQ forums, the joke is often, “Where’s the like button?” in response to an awesome post. We’ve built patron voting around FB’s systems.  We’ve even considered further integrating with using FB as an alternate way to register/log in, and even as a basis for a comment system, since this is becoming a very common practice and lowers the barriers of participation for artists and patrons visiting EBSQ.  Having a Facebook page is becoming as required/expected for businesses this decade as a web page/blog became for businesses at the end of the last decade.  And that’s just the reliance on its technology.  Facebook is where everybody is.  Everybody. (Well, except for my dad, but that’s probably a good thing, lol. )  As a business owner and a very social being,  I’m locked into the ecosystem.

What about you? Are the latest changes a deal breaker for you and/or your art business? 

EBSQ Friday Five

Tree Study Angie Reed Garner

1. Tree Study – Angie Reed Garner’s latest painting was meant to be a soothing break from her usual complex paintings, but I think it’s still just as rich!

2. Facebook for the Artist – Jennifer Lommers offers her wisdom on Facebook and the art of promotion.

3. July Giveaway – It’s not too late to enter Sara Burrier’s July giveaway. She’s giving away an original watercolor painting!

4. Brewing up a Painting – Stacey Zimmerman shares what her painting process is like, where the ideas forms and how she puts them into being.

5. Are you an EBSQ artist who blogs? Do you write noteworthy articles? I want you in my feed reader! Contact me at EBSQ.

EBSQ Friday Five

The EBSQ Friday Five offers a brief look at noteworthy news from around the EBSQ Artist Blogosphere.

1. New Oil Painting – Yes, artist Kari Tirrell not only makes magic with pastels, she also does it with oils. Beautiful and it tells a story.

2. Christmas in July – Sara Burrier is participating in this year event  on Etsy. Check out all the goodies she has in stock. You even get a freebie 4 x 6 print with purchase!!

3. Be Immortalized as a Zombie – Melia Newman has a new contest going on for fans of her Facebook Page. Ever dreamed of being a Zombie?

4. New Avenues of Creativity – Jason Barre on his dissatisfaction with painting, Bravo’s Work of Art, and a new venture with a forgotten medium.

5. Sherry’s Rain – Torrie Smiley shares her thoughts and processes in the creation of one of her paintings for the 2010 Rip Show. I always find it fascinating to see where a painting began.